
Imagine a cold morning before sunrise, and the pleasant contrast of being warmed and sheltered by Robert’s naked body–his arms wrapped around you, your head nestled into his chest–and the whisper of cool air that reaches your skin right at the top of the covers. The soothing sound of his breathing as he sleeps peacefully, and feel of his chest fuzz against your face. The luxury of the early weekend hour, with no place to go, and nothing to do, but be willingly ensnared in his embrace.

Morning, y’all. 🙋🏽‍♀️☀️❤️

How I imagine waking up every day. Beautiful @brownskinsugarplum76. Nailed it. 💕💕

Why do some fanfiction writers delete all their work? Some people don’t but most of the time, they do, and I was wondering if you could shed any light.

I’m not sure, anon.  It does seem to happen quite a bit.  Several STELLAR blogs have disappeared just in the last couple of years, and I miss them so much.  I can only speak for myself, but I don’t think I’m too far off the mark when I say that writing this stuff is very personal.  It puts you in a vulnerable position.  Not only are your dreams / fantasies / creations out there to be judged by people you don’t know, they’re out there to be judged and re-judged by you, yourself.  Most writers I know are never fully satisfied with their own work, and we’re our own worst critics.  Maybe some of that has come into play in the minds of those who deleted their accounts.  Of course, I could be wildly off.  Wish I could offer more insight! ❤️


July 11, 1975 – Montreux Jazz Festival – Guess who’s on bass!  JPJ!!  One of the guitarists for Etta, Brian Ray, had this to say about it:  

“When I get there the band they got together was Rick Wakeman [Yes] on keyboards, John Paul Jones [Led Zeppelin] on bass, David “Fathead” Newman and “Pony” Poindexter on horns. I go to rehearsal and I’m just a kid, I didn’t know what I needed to do. I knew the material so I’m teaching them what I know and it’s coming together well, and in walks Jimmy Page and Robert Plant [Led Zeppelin]. They listened to a few songs and then Jimmy Page says “I feel like I’ve known you before, man. Like maybe in another life,” so I’m having an Aleister Crowley discussion with Jimmy Page, and they took me out to dinner in a chalet up in the Alps near Montreux.”


What a story!  Can you imagine?  Btw, Claude Nobs began the festival in 67 I think.  He was a really cool guy – he recorded thousands of hours of acts through the years – you can find a lot of it on youtube.  Amazing catalog. 

One more time bc Etta James is fucking fantastic.