Why do some fanfiction writers delete all their work? Some people don’t but most of the time, they do, and I was wondering if you could shed any light.

I’m not sure, anon.  It does seem to happen quite a bit.  Several STELLAR blogs have disappeared just in the last couple of years, and I miss them so much.  I can only speak for myself, but I don’t think I’m too far off the mark when I say that writing this stuff is very personal.  It puts you in a vulnerable position.  Not only are your dreams / fantasies / creations out there to be judged by people you don’t know, they’re out there to be judged and re-judged by you, yourself.  Most writers I know are never fully satisfied with their own work, and we’re our own worst critics.  Maybe some of that has come into play in the minds of those who deleted their accounts.  Of course, I could be wildly off.  Wish I could offer more insight! ❤️

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